Live Nation Entertainment & Ticketmaster Sued by US

The United States Justice Department has officially taken legal action against Live Nation Entertainment, accusing the company of monopolizing the concert industry.

This lawsuit, filed in a New York court on May 23 with support from 29 states and Washington D.C., claims that Live Nation’s dominance in concert promotion, ticket sales, artist management, and venue operations stifles competition and inflates prices. The company controls over half of major U.S. concert promotions and around 80% of primary ticketing at these venues.

Live Nation responded by denying monopoly accusations, stating they will fight the allegations while advocating for reforms that genuinely benefit consumers and artists. They argue that most service fees go to venues and that Ticketmaster’s market share has been declining due to increasing competition.

Politicians like Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren have voiced their approval of the lawsuit. Sanders tweeted that Ticketmaster prioritizes profits over artists and fans, urging for a breakup to protect American access to art. Warren echoed this sentiment, highlighting excessive fees as a symptom of too much power concentrated in one company.

I think it’s about time someone took action against these practices.

United Musicians and Allied Workers (UMAW) praised the Department of Justice for its comprehensive antitrust suit against Live Nation Entertainment. They emphasized how difficult it has become for artists to earn a fair wage or fans to afford tickets due to Live Nation’s profit-maximizing strategies. UMAW thanked Assistant Attorney General Jonathan Kanter for his dedication to supporting artists and fans alike .

The investigation into Live Nation’s practices started before the chaotic Eras Tour ticket sales but was intensified by it.

Noah Mitchell
Noah Mitchell
Noah Mitchell is a senior music writer at Noah has been passionately covering the music industry for over five years, with a particular focus on live performances and the latest updates on artists.