Meaning of paranoia

by KENTENSHI · 2024

paranoia by KENTENSHI album cover

The song “Paranoia” by KENTENSHI, based on the provided lyrics, appears to express a feeling of distance and a plea not to be hurt, potentially symbolizing emotional detachment or longing for a connection that feels increasingly out of reach.

This song has been Shazamed over 450,434 times. As of this writing, paranoia is ranked 130

Let’s talk about “paranoia” by KENTENSHI, a song that seems simple at first but is rich in emotion and depth. We’ll explore what makes this song tick and how its lyrics and music come together to create a unique listening experience. Let’s dive in! ⬇️

🌫️ The general atmosphere of “paranoia” is hauntingly distant, much like the repeated word “遠い” (distant) suggests throughout the song. It crafts an echo of separation and longing that wraps around the listener like a cold mist.

💬 The chorus, with its pleading “傷つけないで” (don’t hurt me), juxtaposed against the constant mention of the voice being far away, paints a vivid picture of vulnerability and an aching fear of being wounded. It’s like standing at the edge of a cliff, the wind whispering secrets, and every word carries the weight of a thousand meanings. We’re caught in this whirlwind of emotions, trying to grasp the essence of each syllable while being swept away by the melody.

🔍 Diving into the verses, there’s this raw simplicity in the repetition that shouldn’t be overlooked. “ああ 君の 君の 君の声が” (Ah, your, your, your voice) followed by the incessant “遠い 遠い 遠い” (distant, distant, distant) serves not just as a lyrical choice but as a gateway into the singer’s psyche. Each repetition is a plea, a yearning for closeness in the vast emptiness that surrounds them. This stark contrast between the desire for intimacy and the reality of isolation gives the song a rich layer of complexity that’s both haunting and beautiful.

🎭 The song “paranoia” ultimately serves as a canvas where KENTENSHI portrays the universal fear of being hurt, coupled with the paradoxical longing to bridge the gap of loneliness that distance creates.

Writer(s) of paranoia: Ryou Mizoguchi

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🎵 Songs like paranoia by KENTENSHI

1 Loski2Lopan – Reminiscing

2 AJVIBIN – Paranoia

3 Deca OTA & Envy OT – Daredevils

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