Wayne Kramer once said a new MC5 album was coming, and now it’s finally here.
Today, four months after Kramer’s passing at 75, we learn that Heavy Lifting, the album he mentioned, will be out on October 18 through EarMusic. There’s also a fresh single called “Boys Who Play With Matches,” produced by Bob Ezrin. You can listen to it below.
The album Heavy Lifting includes guitar and vocals from Kramer himself, who worked on almost all the songs with Brad Brooks from Oakland. Special guests like Tom Morello, Slash from Guns N’ Roses, William DuVall, Vernon Reid of Living Colour, and Dennis “Machine Gun” Thompson also appear on the record.
I think collaborations make music more exciting.
This is MC5’s first studio album since High Time came out in 1971. Later this year, they’ll be inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame.
- 01 Heavy Lifting [ft. Tom Morello]
- 02 Barbarians at the Gate
- 03 Change, No Change
- 04 The Edge of the Switchblade [ft. William DuVall and Slash]
- 05 Black Boots [ft. Tim McIlrath]
- 06 I Am the Fun (The Phoney)
- 07 Twenty-Five Miles
- 08 Because of Your Car
- 09 Boys Who Play With Matches
- 10 Blind Eye [ft. Dennis Thompson] li >< li >11 Can’t Be Found [ft . Vernon Reid and Dennis Thompson] li >< li >12 Blessed Release li >< li >13 Hit It Hard [ ft . Joe Berry ] ul > p >< figure data - testid = "IframeEmbed" class = "IframeEmbedWrapper-sc-dRedg hZcniq iframe-embed" > < div data - testid = "IframeEmbedContainer" class = "IframeEmbedContainer-hptgUZ kHuUWr" > < p > < iframe class = "IframeEmbedContent-cMdiev csnuAY IframeEmbedContent" height = "315" width = "560" sandbox = "allow-scripts allow-popups allow-same-origin" title="Embedded Frame" src="https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/wl3NMXG_shI">